Diversity and Campus Culture

The Center for Inclusion in Cross-cultural Engagement is my pride and joy. It is an office that works to support students across all different demographic groups, all different constituency groups. We know that there are barriers that certain student groups experience to success in college in general. Our office tries to remove those barriers and make sure that from the very start of students entering this campus, they know what's available, they know how to access the resources that are available on our campus.

So the student activity organization is very active on campus. They will put on concerts constantly, they'll do some fun things in the Student Union. They've had Comedy Nights, open mic nights, things along those lines. It's something on campus kind of constantly. Grad students are very involved, whether it's participating in our lunch-and-learns or being part of the Graduate Student Council. I'm personally involved in the debate team, and it's allowed me to continue my love of public speaking and build on those skills.

As a graduate student, like I have access to Graduate Student Council. I'm the president of the Black Graduate and Professional Student Association, the new Union is open. So that's amazing! It's huge. There's lots of food options. And there's also food options at the Pavilion across campus where our athletics are, and there's always a fun time when we have athletic activities happening, whether it's football, basketball, volleyball, it's just a fun time. We have a new gym. It's across campus, and it's super cool. They offer group fitness classes. There's a rock climbing wall, and I actually just joined an intramural team. So I love the fitness and the access that we have to fitness and wellness on campus.